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Uddannelse: Transformational Breath® | Level 4A, Nygård

marts 19 @ 19:00 marts 26 @ 15:00

“Feelings come and go like clouds in a windy sky. Conscious breathing is my anchor.” – Thich Nhat Hanh

See English further down 

Når du har taget seminaret, som er de første 3 niveauer, kan du fortsætte med uddannelse 4A for at blive uddannet facilitator.

Uddannelse 4A

Næste level 4A i Skandinavien er i marts 2024

Dette træningsprogram præsenterer de fineste værktøjer. Du vil træne dine evner i at transformere. Du vil øve dig i teknikker til at lette din hurtige realisering af højere bevidsthed, og kurset vil give dig mulighed for at dele denne dynamiske proces med andre. Denne transformerede bevidsthed er det, der vil skabe et mere glædesfyldt og rigt liv for dig og andre

Om uddannelsen

Vi er sikre på, at dette program vil være dybt inspirerende for dig, der er interesseret i åndedrættet; og hvad det kan gøre af forskel for dig.

Gør dig klar til en kærlig, kraftfuld og transformerende uge, hvor du vil opleve endnu mere glæde, lethed, selvrealisering og indflydelse på dit liv.

Hvis du har spørgsmål, er du velkommen til at maile eller ringe til mig.

I kærlighed, lys og glad forventning om vores tid sammen fra Eugenia, Linnea og facilitatorer.

Transformational Breath® level 4A

We are very happy to have the Transformational Breath® Foundation’s
Professional Training Program in Scandinavia in Spring 2024

Prepare yourself for a loving, powerful and transformative week as life
becomes a loving, joyful dance of self-realization, self-empowerment and
service from the heart.

We are looking forward to your joining us for this fun and special
event. This Training Program presents the finest tools, transformational skills
and techniques to facilitate your rapid realization of higher consciousness,
and to give you the gift of sharing this dynamic process with others. This
transformed consciousness is what will create for you and others a more joyful
and abundant life.

The level 4A will be 7 full days arriving for Dinner the evening before. We finish at around 3 pm. the last day.


·      Arrival and check in from 5 pm March 19. Dinner at 7 pm. Training starts at 9 am March 20.

We will start with registration and have an amazing and powerful week.

·      The program will finish the last day after lunch. Departure time
around 3:00 pm.

·      Arrival and departure time scheduling are to be made through Linnea:            

·     Please also inform Linnea, if you have any dietary restrictions.

·       For all staff: We will have staff meeting and room set up at 2:00 pm Tuesday March 19.


·        Your Seminar (Levels I, II and III) manual as well as your journal.

·        Your drinkingbottle

PRICE: contact Linnea


If you have any questions or would like our support in any way, please
contact us. We affirm that this program will inspire some of the most profound
and exciting experiences of your life, as it has done for so many.

In love, light and joyful anticipation of our time together.


marts 19 @ 19:00
marts 26 @ 15:00
Kontakt for pris
Begivenhed Kategori:


Dreams & Breathwork
+45 22 66 21 64
Nørreskovvej 41 6430 Danmark